The World of Writing Music Artist Feature: Peter Hollens


About the artist: Peter Hollens is an American a capella singer and Youtube artist. He started an a capella group in college and met his wife through singing venues. In 2011, he began his Youtube channel and since then has collaborated with many well-known artists and released multiple CDs.

Why I recommend him:

I love his pure singing, and he covers a wide range of genres, from folk to pop to musicals. Because everything you hear is made strictly by him (sometimes only his mouth) hisย music tends to have a gentle quality. His songs and collaborations are perfect for character theme songs and setting moods.

What I use his music for:

-General playlist music

-Listening through an album start to finish

-Character theme songs

Favorite Songs:

Parting Glass:

Loch Lomond:

Baba Yetu:

For the Dancing and the Dreaming:

Now We Are Free:


And some others that are too good to leave off the list:

In Dreams

What Are Words

I See The Light

Into the West

The Last Goodbye

Have you heard any of Peter’s songs? If so, which are your favorites?

8 thoughts on “The World of Writing Music Artist Feature: Peter Hollens

    1. Yay! We have the same taste in favorites! ๐Ÿ™‚ I do find a lot of his music very peaceful/soothing. I often like his covers better than the originals. ๐Ÿ˜‰


  1. Oh, I really like Now We Are Free too!!!! Peter is a great artist! ๐Ÿ˜€
    Glad you did this post! ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. Thanks for the post on Peter Hollens!! I was aware of him, but I hadn’t listened to any of his music. I’m already sold! His singing is absolutely beautiful.


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