Sparks o’ a Story: Writing Prompts


Hello all! I thought for this post we would do something fun and writerly.  I’ve made seven writing prompts, one for each day of the week. Feel free to do them all, or just pick and choose your favorites.

Write a paragraph:

  1. In first person, from the perspective of an old man
  2. In third person, set in a historical time period
  3. From the perspective of an inanimate object
  4. In first person, from the view of someone who doesn’t understand the actual point of the scene
  5. In a genre you never write in
  6. From the perspective of someone from a country on the opposite side of the world from you
  7. From the perspective of a baby/child

Feel free to share any of your favorites in the comments below this week!

Also, the giveaway ends tonight at midnight, so if you haven’t entered yet, make sure you do!

12 thoughts on “Sparks o’ a Story: Writing Prompts

  1. I am really excited about these! I’ll be doing them all week, and maybe I’ll come back and share a couple….


      1. I didn’t end up posting them here because they are all too long. 🙂
        Thanks for coming up with such intriguing prompts!


  2. I took #7 seriously…. I want to write a novel in the perspective of my baby sister. What she thinks of her older siblings. : )


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