A Time to Speak


At long last, here is the review! Between starting a new job and attending a writers’ conference last week, plus editing, I found myself with significantly less time on my hands than I thought I’d have. Anyway….

The verdict: I LOVED it. Whatever little bits didn’t click for me in the first book clicked in this book and I could not put it down. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Here’s the official synopsis for starters.

What happens when you live longer than you wanted to? Parvin Blackwater wanted to die, but now she’s being called to be a leader. The only problem is, no one wants to follow. The Council is using Jude’s Clock-matching invention to force “new-and-improved” Clocks on the public. Those who can’t afford one are packed into boxcars like cattle and used for the Council’s purposes. Parvin and Solomon team up to rescue the people. Instead, they find themselves on a cargo ship of Radicals headed out to sea. What will the Council do to them? And why are people suddenly dying before their Clocks have zeroed-out?


My thoughts (let’s see if we can do this without spoilers):

Parvin: Unlike some series, it’s not just the protagonist’s circumstances that are changing—she is changing. Parvin is making a conscious effort to do what is right and you see the difference. She is still the same person, but her attitudes and actions are changing to fit her beliefs and I really like that.

Solomon Hawke: When I read the first book I thought perhaps he was my favorite. He is definitely my favorite now. Ack, he’s so cool!

The settings were awesome (and diverse!). You could really feel them, especially the cold place. But I won’t go in too much more detail because spoilers.

There was a lot of suffering, and there were even a few slightly gory things, but even so, I felt less affected by it than in the first book. Maybe Parvin’s attitude changed? Maybe it was because she felt more hope? I don’t really know, I can’t put my finger on why. Anyone else feel that way?

Another thing I liked about this book is that while people were in mortal danger (and some died), this was not a let’s-see-how-many-people-we-can-pop-off fest. She treated the characters with respect, and none of the deaths seemed extraneous. Kudos.

The author did a fantastic job keeping realism and hope well matched. Yes, things were bad—yes, they were awful, even. But through it Parvin was gaining an eternal perspective, and what many people forget in books is that there is a God and there is ultimately victory, whatever role you play.

The worldbuilding was another thing I loved in this book. The author did a great job of weaving together multiple cultures, each with its own assumptions, expectations, prejudices, and normalities.

My favorite line in the whole book? “I hope your potato tasted better than mine.” If you don’t know, then—well, I won’t tell you! Heehee. You’d better read the book.


The third book in the series releases tomorrow, so go out and show Nadine Brandes some readers’ love!

Have you read any of the Out of Time Series? What did you think?